The West Island Amateur Radio club is holding its annual fall hamfest on Oct 12, 2024. Don’t miss out on hidden treasures for your radio kit. Want a table to sell at the hamfest, then contact Jonathan at
The next monthly meeting will be held on September 16th and feature a presentation on the recently completed WIARC TO8FP DxPedition to St. Pierre and Miquelon.
Remember that PDF copies of presentations from past club meetings are available for you to download on our Files page.
$150 grants are available to potential hams studying for their basic license as well as hams studying for the advanced upgrades. If you know anyone potential candidates please have them send an email to .
If not already done, this is a reminder that your dues are due! Regular Membership fees are $30, or $15 for 16 years of age or less.
The preferred method is by Interac e-transfer to
You can also mail a cheque to:
West Island Amateur Radio Club
263 Kirkland Blvd.
Kirkland, QC H9J 1P3
Or you can pay by cash at the next meeting.